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Kublai Khan accepts gifts of the Venetians
Kublai Khan accepts gifts of the Venetians (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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Best regards,
Tom Knapp

A Suicide in Brooklyn Police RaidMaraschino cherry mogul Arthur Mondella put a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger on February 24. He was 57. New York City’s medical examiners will no doubt rule his death a suicide. But Mondella was really the latest victim of a multi-billion dollar industry: Drug prohibition.

Why did Mondella lock himself in the bathroom at Dell’s Maraschino Cherries — a company his grandfather founded in 1948, and which annually produces more than a billion of the sweet, syrupy little treats that top America’s desserts — ask his sister to take care of his children, and kill himself?

Because police, posing as “environmental inspectors,” discovered (as they suspected) that in addition to producing cherries, Mondella was using the factory to run a marijuana business. After five hours of tearing the place apart, they found a false wall hiding 80 pounds of cannabis and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash.

Mondella ran a second business behind the scenes. As with his cherry business, he provided a desired product to willing customers, leaving both parties better off than before the exchange. Unfortunately for him, that second business ran afoul of a set of evil laws maintained well past their “okay, that didn’t work” dates for the purpose of keeping government bureaucrats and “non-profit” executives employed.

In 2015 alone, one federal bureaucracy — the Office of National Drug Control Policy — will spend more than $25 billion taxpayer dollars hunting down and caging or killing entrepreneurs like Mondella. That’s not counting the expenditures of state and local law enforcement agencies, or the tens of millions raised and spent by “non-profit” propaganda shops like DARE and the Partnership for Drug Free Kids.

Drug prohibition is big business. Not the kind of business Arthur Mondella ran, though. It isn’t the  win-win proposition that defines legitimate enterprise.  Drug prohibition’s “products” are people jailed, people killed, property seized. Its “transactions” harm  everyone except the fat cats who run its various divisions and subsidiaries.

In 1971,  a young Vietnam veteran testifying before Congress against the war, John Kerry (now US Secretary of State), wondered “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”

America’s tragic history of marijuana prohibition seems to be slowly drawing to an end as more and more states legalize it for medical and, lately, recreational use.  Unfortunately Arthur Mondella probably won’t be its last casualty.

Thomas L. Knapp is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.


Just Say No to the Local Government Snow Job

RGBStock.comShovelingSnowWhen high school seniors Matt Molinari and Eric Schnepf set out to flier their home town of Bridgewater, New Jersey, they didn’t think of themselves as scofflaws. They thought they were offering a valuable service — shoveling snow from sidewalks and driveways — to likely customers. Then police showed up and told them about the town’s ordinance against solicitation.

The ordinance doesn’t actually outlaw solicitation, of course. It just requires entrepreneurs like Molinari and Schnepf to pay bribes … er, “license fees” … to city bureaucrats before sallying forth in search of business.

These stories are perennial favorites. In winter, it’s teens shoveling sidewalks. In summer, it’s those same teens mowing lawns or their pre-teen siblings setting up unlicensed lemonade stands or selling cookies to support their scout troops.

Usually readers are inclined to side with the young businesspeople, and rightly so. Most of us grew up in an America that encouraged that kind of initiative, in a time before local politicians got it into their heads that they need to regulate, well, pretty much everything.

As a pre-teen in the 1970s, I received a small allowance for doing household chores. At 12, I asked for a raise. My father refused. In fact, he said, the allowance was ending. However, he figured that since we had a lawn mower sitting around anyway, I could use it to make my own money (in return for mowing OUR yard for free, of course).

That summer, I earned more money per week than I’d made per month from the old allowance. I felt positively rich. I spent every summer after making money that way, every fall raking leaves, every winter shoveling sidewalks, until I got my first “real” job at 16. The kid who tries that today will likely get shut down early on.

The continuing trend toward over-regulation by local governments harms both young go-getters and their customers.

Remember, most small towns require lawns to be kept trim, leaves to be raked, driveways and walks to be cleared of ice. Every year a few older Americans die of heart attacks doing those jobs. And every year, more towns make it more difficult to find young workers who’ll do the jobs at reasonable prices.

Local politicians offer several excuses for interfering in these small-time commercial transactions. They’re protecting residents from scam artists. They need to control traffic on their streets and commercial activities increase it. Their governments rely on revenues generated by license fees.

But those really are just excuses. Politics attracts people who like to control others. Established businesses bankroll local campaigns, then lobby for rules that outlaw their competitors, including teenagers who do more work for less money.

Fortunately, local government is more vulnerable to voter dissatisfaction than state and federal government. A few votes really can make a difference. Tired of politicians  turning your town into a miniature Pyongyang? Run for local office yourself! Or at least cast your votes carefully. Hint: Look for the candidates who call themselves “libertarians.”

Thomas L. Knapp is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.